Kirsten teaches flute, mostly.
But she also teaches recorder, theory, composition, and history.
Kirsten generally provides music lessons out of her studio in her house in Riverside South, south of the Ottawa airport. But…
As a result of physical distancing, Kirsten conducts lessons via various video chat platforms. She taught at her music studio in her house or travelled to students' homes for which students were charged an extra fee. At Kirsten’s at-home studio, there are two cats - while they are not in her studio during teaching hours, severe allergy sufferers may find it difficult, once in-person lessons are possible in the future.
Lessons are offered year round.
From September to June, Kirsten teaches every week (with a week off in early November, a two-week break in December and a week off in the spring). In July and August, lessons are offered on a casual basis, to accommodate the needs of students.
Kirsten welcomes students of different ages and learning styles.
Kirsten adapts to the learning needs of each student: some students will want to do exams; some are looking to audition for an arts high school program or a specific ensemble; and some students just want to learn to play the flute without the pressure of exams or auditions. Every student is different - Kirsten tries to be flexible with the needs of each. She has taught students as young as six and as old as 75.
How much do music lessons with Kirsten cost?
$40 for a half-hour lesson, $55 for a 45-minute lesson, and $65 for an hour lesson.